Module astrodust

Expand source code
import numpy as np
from joblib import load
import xgboost as xgb
from tqdm import *
import requests
import sklearn
import os
import math
import warnings

# Ignore class variables in docs
__pdoc__ = {}
__pdoc__["DustModel.URL_QUALITY_MODEL"] = False
__pdoc__["DustModel.URL_RF_MODEL"] = False
__pdoc__["DustModel.FILENAME_QUALITY_MODEL"] = False
__pdoc__["DustModel.FILENAME_RF_MODEL"] = False

class DustModel:
    Class for predicting dust densities

    URL_RF_MODEL = ""

    FILENAME_QUALITY_MODEL = "models/prediction-quality.model"
    FILENAME_RF_MODEL = "models/rf-model-large.joblib"

    def __init__(self):
        """ Init method loads a random forest model for predicting dust densities and XGBoost model for predicting quality of the predicted dust densities.
        If the models do not exist in the `models` directory, it will prompt to download them from Zenodo.
        self.quality_model = xgb.XGBClassifier()

        model_dir = 'models'
        # Check if our model folder exists, create it if not
        if not os.path.exists(model_dir):

        # First try to load the quality model from disk
        except xgb.core.XGBoostError:
            # Try to download the quality model if the user does not have it
                self._download_file(self.URL_QUALITY_MODEL, self.FILENAME_QUALITY_MODEL)
            except FileNotFoundError as e:
                e.strerror = "The model file must exist in the model directory."
                raise e
        # Try to load the random forest model from disk
            self.model = load(self.FILENAME_RF_MODEL)
                download_response = input("The random forest model file was not found in the model directory and must be downloaded (6.6GB). "\
                "Are you sure you want to download it?\n(Y) for yes or any other key to quit.")
                if download_response.lower() == "y":
                    self._download_file(self.URL_RF_MODEL, self.FILENAME_RF_MODEL)
                self.model = load(self.FILENAME_RF_MODEL)
            except FileNotFoundError as e:
                e.strerror = "The model file must exist in the model directory."
                raise e

    def _download_file(self, url, name):
        """ Downloads a given file and writes to disk. Also displays a progress bar. From:"""
        # From
        r = requests.get(url, stream=True, allow_redirects=True)
        total_size = int(r.headers.get('content-length'))
        initial_pos = 0
        with open(name,'wb') as f: 
            with tqdm(total=total_size, unit='B', unit_scale=True,  desc=name,initial=initial_pos, ascii=True) as pbar:
                for ch in r.iter_content(chunk_size=(1024 * 128)): # 128KB chunk size                    
                    if ch:

    def predict(self, r: float, alpha: float, d2g: float, sigma: float, tgas: float, t: int, delta_t: int, input_bins:[float]):
        Makes a prediction from the given set of input parameters. It will also raise warning if the predicted quality is not good.
            r (float): distance from central star  
            alpha (float): turblance  
            d2g (float): dust to gas ratio  
            sigma (float): the surface density of the gas in the model (in g/cm^2)  
            tgas (float): temperature of the gas  
            t (int): absolute time in seconds  
            delta_t (int): time in seconds in the future to predict for  
            input_bins (array): 171 length array of dust densities for each bin  

            array: 171 length array of the predicted dust densities for each bin  

        # mstar is assumed to be 1
        mstar = 1

        input_params = [r, mstar, alpha, d2g, sigma, tgas]
        input_bins_sum = np.sum(input_bins)
        #Normalize the input bins and zero out normalized bins less than 10^-30\n",
        normalized_input_bins = []
        for i in range(len(input_bins)):
            new_input_bin = np.sum(input_bins[i]) / input_bins_sum
            if new_input_bin < 1e-30:
                new_input_bin = 0

        # Input features
        X = np.concatenate([input_params,normalized_input_bins,[t, delta_t]])

        X_formatted = X.reshape(1, -1)
        prediction = self.model.predict(X_formatted)
        # Unnormalize the prediction by multiplying each bin by the input mass
        prediction *= input_bins_sum

        # Check the quality of the prediction
        prediction_quality = self.quality_model.predict(X_formatted)
        if prediction_quality == 0:
            warnings.warn("For the given input paramters, the resulting prediction is most likely not accurate.")
        return prediction.flatten()


class DustModel

Class for predicting dust densities

Init method loads a random forest model for predicting dust densities and XGBoost model for predicting quality of the predicted dust densities. If the models do not exist in the models directory, it will prompt to download them from Zenodo.

Expand source code
class DustModel:
    Class for predicting dust densities

    URL_RF_MODEL = ""

    FILENAME_QUALITY_MODEL = "models/prediction-quality.model"
    FILENAME_RF_MODEL = "models/rf-model-large.joblib"

    def __init__(self):
        """ Init method loads a random forest model for predicting dust densities and XGBoost model for predicting quality of the predicted dust densities.
        If the models do not exist in the `models` directory, it will prompt to download them from Zenodo.
        self.quality_model = xgb.XGBClassifier()

        model_dir = 'models'
        # Check if our model folder exists, create it if not
        if not os.path.exists(model_dir):

        # First try to load the quality model from disk
        except xgb.core.XGBoostError:
            # Try to download the quality model if the user does not have it
                self._download_file(self.URL_QUALITY_MODEL, self.FILENAME_QUALITY_MODEL)
            except FileNotFoundError as e:
                e.strerror = "The model file must exist in the model directory."
                raise e
        # Try to load the random forest model from disk
            self.model = load(self.FILENAME_RF_MODEL)
                download_response = input("The random forest model file was not found in the model directory and must be downloaded (6.6GB). "\
                "Are you sure you want to download it?\n(Y) for yes or any other key to quit.")
                if download_response.lower() == "y":
                    self._download_file(self.URL_RF_MODEL, self.FILENAME_RF_MODEL)
                self.model = load(self.FILENAME_RF_MODEL)
            except FileNotFoundError as e:
                e.strerror = "The model file must exist in the model directory."
                raise e

    def _download_file(self, url, name):
        """ Downloads a given file and writes to disk. Also displays a progress bar. From:"""
        # From
        r = requests.get(url, stream=True, allow_redirects=True)
        total_size = int(r.headers.get('content-length'))
        initial_pos = 0
        with open(name,'wb') as f: 
            with tqdm(total=total_size, unit='B', unit_scale=True,  desc=name,initial=initial_pos, ascii=True) as pbar:
                for ch in r.iter_content(chunk_size=(1024 * 128)): # 128KB chunk size                    
                    if ch:

    def predict(self, r: float, alpha: float, d2g: float, sigma: float, tgas: float, t: int, delta_t: int, input_bins:[float]):
        Makes a prediction from the given set of input parameters. It will also raise warning if the predicted quality is not good.
            r (float): distance from central star  
            alpha (float): turblance  
            d2g (float): dust to gas ratio  
            sigma (float): the surface density of the gas in the model (in g/cm^2)  
            tgas (float): temperature of the gas  
            t (int): absolute time in seconds  
            delta_t (int): time in seconds in the future to predict for  
            input_bins (array): 171 length array of dust densities for each bin  

            array: 171 length array of the predicted dust densities for each bin  

        # mstar is assumed to be 1
        mstar = 1

        input_params = [r, mstar, alpha, d2g, sigma, tgas]
        input_bins_sum = np.sum(input_bins)
        #Normalize the input bins and zero out normalized bins less than 10^-30\n",
        normalized_input_bins = []
        for i in range(len(input_bins)):
            new_input_bin = np.sum(input_bins[i]) / input_bins_sum
            if new_input_bin < 1e-30:
                new_input_bin = 0

        # Input features
        X = np.concatenate([input_params,normalized_input_bins,[t, delta_t]])

        X_formatted = X.reshape(1, -1)
        prediction = self.model.predict(X_formatted)
        # Unnormalize the prediction by multiplying each bin by the input mass
        prediction *= input_bins_sum

        # Check the quality of the prediction
        prediction_quality = self.quality_model.predict(X_formatted)
        if prediction_quality == 0:
            warnings.warn("For the given input paramters, the resulting prediction is most likely not accurate.")
        return prediction.flatten()


def predict(self, r: float, alpha: float, d2g: float, sigma: float, tgas: float, t: int, delta_t: int, input_bins: [])

Makes a prediction from the given set of input parameters. It will also raise warning if the predicted quality is not good.

r (float): distance from central star
alpha (float): turblance
d2g (float): dust to gas ratio
sigma (float): the surface density of the gas in the model (in g/cm^2)
tgas (float): temperature of the gas
t (int): absolute time in seconds
delta_t (int): time in seconds in the future to predict for
input_bins (array): 171 length array of dust densities for each bin

array: 171 length array of the predicted dust densities for each bin

Expand source code
def predict(self, r: float, alpha: float, d2g: float, sigma: float, tgas: float, t: int, delta_t: int, input_bins:[float]):
    Makes a prediction from the given set of input parameters. It will also raise warning if the predicted quality is not good.
        r (float): distance from central star  
        alpha (float): turblance  
        d2g (float): dust to gas ratio  
        sigma (float): the surface density of the gas in the model (in g/cm^2)  
        tgas (float): temperature of the gas  
        t (int): absolute time in seconds  
        delta_t (int): time in seconds in the future to predict for  
        input_bins (array): 171 length array of dust densities for each bin  

        array: 171 length array of the predicted dust densities for each bin  

    # mstar is assumed to be 1
    mstar = 1

    input_params = [r, mstar, alpha, d2g, sigma, tgas]
    input_bins_sum = np.sum(input_bins)
    #Normalize the input bins and zero out normalized bins less than 10^-30\n",
    normalized_input_bins = []
    for i in range(len(input_bins)):
        new_input_bin = np.sum(input_bins[i]) / input_bins_sum
        if new_input_bin < 1e-30:
            new_input_bin = 0

    # Input features
    X = np.concatenate([input_params,normalized_input_bins,[t, delta_t]])

    X_formatted = X.reshape(1, -1)
    prediction = self.model.predict(X_formatted)
    # Unnormalize the prediction by multiplying each bin by the input mass
    prediction *= input_bins_sum

    # Check the quality of the prediction
    prediction_quality = self.quality_model.predict(X_formatted)
    if prediction_quality == 0:
        warnings.warn("For the given input paramters, the resulting prediction is most likely not accurate.")
    return prediction.flatten()